Marta Streng, ’89, visual artist - photographer, storyteller, visual brand consultant, creative art director, social media and content daredevil.

Until recently I'll write about myself „future psychologist”. Failed, fortunately for my would-be patients. Today I play with the human psyche in a different way. Still experimenting and taking for a walk my inner monsters, to be able to breathe deeply and have an opinion when I press the shutter button. I find myself only between humans and cats, and if I had to create a farm, this would be the moose reserve in the middle of the Swedish forest. I’m inspired by life and imagination running away. I hate artificiality, monotony, and shows for the audience, but I enjoy to hug to my camera beautiful, unusual faces with their original interior. Truly love telling stories. Stories that make this vibes in the corners of hearts.

I live with passion, I catch in the frames emotion, beauty, truth and transitoriness. I want to share this passion with others, therefore we undertake cooperation with people who, like me, love what they do. All of this to make our services have an individual expression, and the highest level. Let’s live the moment, let’s create a different reality and let’s give its colors more power. Look at the world through my eyes.


Publications: Digital Foto Video Polska, 7th Warsaw Art Photography Festival, Photo Vogue Italia, Digital Camera Polska,, Confashion Magazine, Prestiż,, Elle (fr), MK Fashion Magazine, BeModels, Kismet Magazine, Bella Magazine, Nextdoormodel, Republic Art Magazine, Bizzare, Ładne Bebe, Fields Magazine, KIT, Alike, Airgate.

Clients: Tyszert, Granit Funktion & Förvaring, Gun AnaJohan & Nyström, Dear Tea Society, Rescued, Sensibar, Meru Shala Yoga Studio, Sign Lab, Plana, Flory, BAK, Engelmanns, Pärlans Konfektyr, Drycks, Restaurang Asplund, Inoff, Brooklyn Stockholm, Herrängens Gård, dolly's dress, Ilecka, jankowska & tomaszewski, Fields Magazine, Black Honey Coffee Roasters, Ciuchosza, Vanessa.

Based in Stockholm, but ready to visit every corner in the world.


martastreng [at]
+46 (0)739 32 82 33 (se)



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